
Seventh-day Adventist ministers are equipped and empowered to serve in the fields of parish and/or chaplaincy ministries. The North American DivisionAdventist Chaplaincy Ministries (NAD ACM) provides ecclesiastical endorsements to highly qualified ministers in the six chaplaincy disciplines: campus, community, corrections, healthcare, law enforcement, and military.

Many of our endorsed chaplains are ministers with ministerial credentials who are granted ecclesiastical endorsement to serve in one of the disciplines. As an integral element of the Adventist ministry, our parish (church) pastors andchaplains work alongside to further God’s kingdom by sharing the love of God wherever they serve.

NAD ACM upholds denominational and professional standards for chaplaincy ministries and provides guidance to endorsed chaplains as well as those seeking for endorsement.


• Chaplains serve in the frontline, opening doors and minister where the Church could seldom enter otherwise.

• Chaplains further the Church’s credibility and positive community relations.

• Chaplains bring professional expertise and services to local churches, Conferences, and Unions.

• Chaplains are engaged in evangelism with personal witnessing of God’s love, bringing hope and wholeness.

• Chaplains are connected to the Church and its mission by supporting  denominational initiatives.